China 2012
Der Schrein - Tai, der Austausch
Kräfte der Erde steigen zum Himmel
Kräfte des Himmels sinken zur Erde
Der Schrein: |
Das Haus: |
Geborgenheit |
Der Gang: |
Vergangenheit - Gegenwart - Zukunft |
Der Steg: |
Übergang in etwas Neues:
Der Lauf der Dinge |
Der Mensch - aufrecht zwischen Himmel und Erde:
losgelöst von der Erde - nicht gebunden an den Himmel |
Der Vorhang: |
Der Schleier vor der Zukunft - Die Gegenwart |
Farbe als Verbindung der aufsteigenden und sinkenden Kräfte.
Moritz Dornauf “Tai - Interchange” (Germany)
Between heaven and earth there is the fire of life.
A three dimensional poetic vision
Mount Lushan was always an important cultural centre.
Our art is part of a new cultural exchange between China and the world.
I teach in Germany since thirty years tajiquan, bagauchan and qi gong.
Chinese culture is a very important part of my life and I am really
happy to bring some of my art now to China .
word Tai or Interchange was taken from the I Ging and it is a very
positive sign, because the power of the Yang is under the power of the
Yin. So, the power of the Yang will rise and go into the Yin and the
power of the Yin will sink into the Yang and they will pervade each
I build a shrine. The house gives safety.
You also could see a church with a tower on one side. The tower is a
picture. This picture looks like blood or fire. The blood is floating
upward, back to the heart, that symbolizes life. There is also a
warning that it can take the opposite direction.
The picture is like a curtain and you can look through it, so the
emptiness will come from the heaven and sink down to the earth. The
importance of emptiness is a speciality of eastern philosophy.
You can walk in the shrine, you have a way. The way means time, past,
presence and future. In the meditation of the Buddhist and the Daoist
you have a fourth time or a vertical time, where you will feel past,
presence and future as one.
When you go into the shrine you will leave the ground, you are between heaven and earth.
Perhaps you can imagine all this things, or you will have complete new
experiences, everything that inspires your mind and your imagination
will develop your own creativity and it will make your world wider.